December 4th, 2009
Okay, maybe you don’t need this book. But lots of other people need this book and maybe you know one of them who could use it for Christmas.
Here’s your chance to save $19.95 plus shipping and win a FREE (gasp), yes FREE copy of The NEW Low-Maintenance Garden, by Valerie Easton. (You can see my review here.)
If you want to re-claim your weekends and still have a beautiful and productive garden, Easton offers ideas on how to accomplish just that, including choosing the right plants, incorporating edibles, using hardscape, working with nature and overall simplifying your garden.
To enter for a chance to win, just leave me a comment to this post and tell me why you need this copy of The NEW Low-Maintenance Garden OR leave a tip of your own on how to simplify your gardening tasks. A winner will be selected using a random number generator.
Comments close on Wednesday, December 9. The winner will be announced on Thursday, December 10. Yes, in 2009.
December 4th, 2009
Can’t you just hear Tina Turner here as she sashays across the lawn…
I’m too sexy for my coop, too sexy for my coop…too sexy for my coop…
So let me in the yard.
The beautiful and glamorous Tina Turner is a buff laced Polish chicken. She's also too sexy for her coop...too sexy for her coop...
Posted In: Chickens
Tags: hens, Tina Turner