When I brought home my first Papillon, Sophie, she was so small she could fit into the palm of my hand.
What she lacked in size she made up for in attitude. She would play dash-and-hide with our 55 pound Belgian Malinois, Winifred. She quickly discovered her voice—and has been using it liberally ever since. And she refused to sleep alone. After two sleepless weeks, Harry and I finally caved in and let her sleep with us.
One of the biggest challenges of raising a small dog is house training. Little dogs just don’t want to brave the wind, rain, cold weather, tall grass or bugs when there’s a perfectly good floor inside.
I’ve always been a carrot rather than the stick kind of gal, so I figured I would liberally reward Sophie when she did her business outside. “Good peepee!” “Good poopoo!” “Nice potty.”
And she would get a treat.
Sophie was so thrilled with this arrangement that she could muster up five, six, seven bits of business in a single outing, locking eyes with me the whole time to make sure I acknowledged her accomplishments.
This house training system worked so well that we also used it on our second Papillon, Sarah.
Of course, with all this handing-out-of-treats business, we must keep a jar stocked with treats in the house at all times. I certainly buy treats in bulk. But the best treats—the ones the little dogs love above anything else—are the ones Mom makes with simple ingredients and her own two hands.
These are their favorite biscuits. They don’t have the multi-syllabic ingredients of the store-bought treats. They are filled with wheat flour, cheddar cheese and oats. And I enjoy making little shapes, such as hearts and fish. I need to find a tiny cat-shaped cookie cutter too.
Here’s where I found their favorite dog biscuit recipe.
Awwww! Thanks for posting this pic of your baby! And what a good dog mommy you are.
.-= Kylee from Our Little Acre´s last blog ..The Dirty, Decaying Detritus of My Garden =-.
Oh. Only one photo showed when I first read this. I see both of your girls now! Soooo sweet!
.-= Kylee from Our Little Acre´s last blog ..The Dirty, Decaying Detritus of My Garden =-.
They are so cute & pampered! I never made biscuits for my dogs, but I did train a sighthound to come every time I called her with the biscuit reward method. It’s so much more effective than punishment ever could be.
.-= Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog ..For a Good Time, Read This Book =-.
What a cutie! Great recipe find -I’ll pass it on to my mom who is always looking for healthy treats for her allergic pooch.
.-= joeltheurbangardener´s last blog ..Hey Blotanists, Appalachia Needs Your Help ASAP =-.
What a pretty girl! She knew you would cave on the sleep situation … it was all a matter of time.
.-= Tennille´s last blog ..Peanut Butter and Frozen Yogurt Sandwiches =-.
I live in the same area as you and was wondering where you got your girls? A breeder nearby?
Thanks for sharing the recipe. Thankfully we’ve been lucky with our dog and I can just say, “Go potty and I’ll let you back inside” and magically, he does! Perhaps such a good dog deserves tasty homemade treats.
What cute little doggies! And I’m sure they love your special homemade healthy treats! That’s just too cool that you make your own treats!
On a related note, I trained my 2 cats to shake hands using treats. Animals can easily be trained with treats, I’ve found! Most animals want to please. Maybe I can start making homemade cats treats, too…
They are adorable and do they get along with the girls and boys in the coop? gail
.-= Gail´s last blog ..The Remains Of The Garden~ November 2009 =-.
Thanks for the link to the recipe. I now have that stored in my digital cookbook.
.-= Rick´s last blog ..Do we live, or do we die… =-.
Opps! One should always read what one types before hitting “SUBMIT” Not Dee, but Robin owns this blog! Boy is my face red…
.-= Rick´s last blog ..Do we live, or do we die… =-.
This is so awesome!!! Would you give out your recipe for you dog treats??
Dog Boarding Reno
.-= Stacie Morris´s last blog ..Home =-.