Bzzzz October 20th, 2008

As the garden begins to slow down in the fall I often think, “What on earth will I have to report on Bumblebee in the winter?”

But as I reflect on the ideas and topics that have captured my interest in the past, the truth is that Bumblebee isn’t entirely about gardening. I have written extensively about chickens lately, since my recent home project has been the construction of the Palazzo di Pollo. I have posted some of my favorite recipes, including my all-time favorite Italian cream cake. I have told stories about my travels and the crazy gifts my brother and I exchange. I have even written about my commitment to exercise and my yearning for simplicity.

Lemon grass, Swiss chard and lettuces in the October garden

Then the other day as I was sitting outside jotting some thoughts in the notebook that I always keep handy, it occurred to me that there are several themes here at Bumblebee that are similar to the Manifesto those clever gardeners over at Garden Rant have posted on their blog. I don’t think I would call mine a manifesto, but it is a set of beliefs or values that I believe are reflected here. So let me share them with you…

-Productive vegetable gardens can be ornamental and beautiful, especially when integrated into the home’s plantings.

-Our food should be as local, fresh and chemical/hormone-free as possible.

-Preparing healthy and delicious foods for ourselves and our families is an important daily activity.

-A beautiful and rewarding life requires slowing down and simplifying so that there is time for thoughtful contemplation.

-Our surroundings should reflect the things we care about. The things around us should be beautiful, useful or both.

-Spending time maintaining our health through exercise and good nutrition is part of the foundation of happiness.

-Don’t take everything so seriously that you make yourself or those around you unhappy.

Herb bed in October

Of course, I hold many people dear—family and friends. And other things are important, such as my work. But these are the themes that I write about here at Bumblebee.

Maxine shows off her regal profile

What do you think? What’s important to you?

(By the way, have you checked out all the photo albums here at Bumblebee? Click the “Photos” sign at the top of this page. There is even an album dedicated to the chickens!)

Posted In: Gardening Life


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