February 6th, 2010
I’m not even sure how much snow we have, but we have a lot of snow. So far the power is on. But I don’t think the 100 lbs. of birdseed I bought in preparation for the snow is going to hold out long. The birds are arriving in droves.
See for yourself.
The birds are practically knocking on the back door asking for more bird seed.
Harry ventured out to do a bit of damage control to the chicken coop. The chickens are nestled inside where it is heated and I have given them treats of kale and dried corn on the cob.
At one point there were about 25 cardinals outside in addition to all the other birds.
Posted In: Chickens, Nature and Wildlife
February 4th, 2010
The weather guessers tell us that there’s yet another snowstorm headed our way. We’re preparing for 12 to 18 more inches of snow on top of what we already have still sitting around. Oh joy.
Snow is pretty. But it’s darned inconvenient. Even after the roads are plowed we are still stuck way back here until we can find someone to plow the road that is our driveway. And I don’t even want to talk about what happens when the power goes out. But let me just say this…Without power, we have no water.
So, we do the best that we can.
The refrigerators are stocked. The wine cellar is full. We have batteries and blankets. If the power stays on we have plenty of entertainment too—books, projects, writing.
I sort of wish that I had one of those jobs that couldn’t be done from home so it could be a real holiday. Alas, my clients will still be expecting their stuff.
What about you? Got snow?
Posted In: Nature and Wildlife
Tags: snow