Bzzzz March 20th, 2012

Did I tell you I have a new website with blog? Guess what it’s about. Bingo! Eggs &  Chickens!

The chickens in hardhats are still working on building stuff, but the blog is up and running. Today we feature another blogger, Lisa S. from Fresh Eggs Daily. Read about our chicken talk here.

Eggs & Chickens will be a basic resource for people interested in learning about starting out and raising backyard chickens. And since most people I know who have backyard chickens have eggs coming out of their ears, I’ll be sharing recipes that use up some of those eggs. Sorry, no chicken recipes on this blog.

Come on over for a visit. Welcome Lisa and let me know what you think.

Cluck, cluck.

Posted In: Chickens


Bzzzz February 1st, 2012

I have never done a Wordless Wednesday before. (Wait! Am I supposed to credit someone for ‘Wordless Wednesday?’ I don’t want to get in trouble with the garden blog police!) But today, the temps were in the 60s and the hens were in the woods. (Doh!! Words!)

Posted In: Chickens



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