Bzzzz May 8th, 2009

We may live in the country, but for the most part we don’t have deer problems. See, we have these 10-pound killer Papillons.

(Please turn on your computer’s sound so you get the full sensory pleasure of our little beasts.)

(Guess who just got a Flip video camera?)

Posted In: Dogs and Cats

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Bzzzz May 26th, 2008

There is so little time. I still have about 25 things to do on my weekend list. So there will be few words and more photos.

Thank God winter has finally gone. Things are blooming here at Bumblebee–Foxglove, Peonies, Johnny-Jump-Ups, Henryi Clematis, Cleosa…

The asparagus that I though I had eradicated from the perennial border insists on making an appearance. I have to laugh seeing asparagus shoots coming up among the flowers.


The herb bed is filled with oregano, parsley, cilantro, sages, cone flower, rosemary, dill and more. I decided to add some containers to the wide paths this year–a good decision, I think, since it gives me the opportunity to add more color.


On a whim while sitting on the garden bench last year I plucked out a couple of the hens and chickens from the strawberry pot and nestled them into the ground beneath the bench. They thrived there and I continued to add to the collection from time to time. I figure by the end of summer they will have made a nice little bed.


What is a garden without little dogs? Sarah and Sophie enjoy the outdoors as much as I do. Maybe more.


They are the best of friends–and sometimes the worst of enemies.



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