Bzzzz September 25th, 2007

I will get back to gardening and blogging soon. In the meantime, you can see that I have been busy here in Vegas with my crazy friend Angela. Robin%20Does%20Vegas.jpg

We haven’t gotten arrested or drunk. Nor have we lost a lot of money. Beyond that, I believe that’s as much as I’ll say. After all, you know what they say, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!”

I will be happy to be home tomorrow to my family, little dogs, flowers and vegetables. I am desperate to cook and eat something healthy and to bask in the quiet of the country life.

Posted In: Travel



Bzzzz September 21st, 2007

It just looks like I’m a slacker because I haven’t posted since my insomnia episode on Wednesday morning.

But things have been so busy that I realized about five minutes ago–at about 6:30 p.m.–that I completely forgot to each lunch today.

Now, I am not a big girl. Very tall, but not big. In fact some people who try to flatter me still say I’m skinny. That’s not quite right either. I do love regular meals and good food. So when I say things have been so busy that I forgot to eat lunch, you should take me at my word for it that things have been moving a wee bit fast for comfort.

Just to whine a little bit more, let me offer as evidence that I was at my desk working on a report at 6:20 AM this morning–and not because I was worried about that blasted weather station. (BTW, I managed to manually set the time, but now the wind speed indicator doesn’t appear to be working properly.)

Really, it isn’t easy being me.

With that as background (not to say excuse), let me tell you that I dutifully wandered around the garden snapping beauty shots for Bloom Day on September 15. And even though it’s late, here’s what I’ve got for ya’.

First, there’s the overview. I had to sneak upstairs to take this picture from the bathroom because my husband laughs at me for taking so many pictures of it. But really, at some point I’m going to put all these photos of the colonial theme garden overview together. It’ll tell a poignant story of the changing seasons and then he’ll be sorry that he laughed at me for taking so many pictures of it.


The garden on September 20 (I think)

Then there’s that problematic butterfly bush. See, I planted it in a naive state, not believing the tag when it said the thing would get to be 10′ tall.

“Surely this little thing can’t get to be 10′ tall. What were these guys smokin’ when they wrote this tag?”

Well, here it is 12′ tall.

We’ll be relocating it in the spring. Although I really and truly enjoy seeing the dozens of butterflies that are on it all summer long I would also like to see out the kitchen windows again. Not to mention that those poor hydrangeas are getting smothered.


Crazy butterfly bush

What’s next? Oh, those crazy black eyed susan vines. I didn’t give them the kind of climbing support they like, so they improvised by climbing on the elephant ears, cone flowers and roses. These vines really need a small, slender support to twine around. Note to self: Provide a small, slender support for the black eyed susan vines next year.


Black eyed susan vines

Great. What’s next?

Oh, the Chinese forget-me-nots are blooming. These were among the flowers I planted from seed in my “experimental garden.” I really love them, although I have to say they should be planted en masse for effect.


Chinese forget-me-nots

I truly love my fu dogs too. I love them with the dead nettle (horrid name; wonderful plant). They seem to be winding down, but are still lovely, I think.


Dead nettle with fu dogs

The chives and cock’s comb make a nice combination.


Chives and cock’s comb

I have had so much ice plant growing that I have pulled up handfuls to give away.


Ice plant

After being eaten to the nubbins numerous times by a ravenous rabbit, the mallow that Lucia gave me is finally growing. I expect I’ll see a lot of mallow next year.



These annuals labeled “million flowers” are doing nicely still. I planted them in the garden near the boxwood, hoping for something that wasn’t high maintenance. They have bloomed and bloomed and I haven’t deadheaded them the first time. Sweet.


Million flowers

Then there are the roses. I have a love/hate relationship with roses. When they look good, they look very, very good. When they look bad, they’re awful.

Some that are blooming now are the baby doll roses.


Baby doll roses

If ever there was a rose that I would classify as hearty, it would be the new dawn rose. It’s a climbing rose and has bloomed all summer long. The flowers are beautiful and the scent is divine. The thorns keep the deer away. Stinkin’ deer.


New dawn roses

Speaking of stinkin’ deer, here’s what they’ve done to my shrub roses (name forgotten and really must be looked up).


Deer-ravaged roses

See how they’re blooming on the top and not on the sides? That’s because the young deer eat here for lunch.

There are lots of other things still in bloom. The one flower I’m a bit baffled by is the volunteer flower of the year. I think it’s a morning glory of some sort. It’s coming up in the most unusual places. Although it looks charming, I’m quite cranky with it because it took over my cucumbers this year before I realized what was going on.


Volunteer flowers

Okay, that’s it for now.

Gotta go pack because I’m headed to Las Vegas first thing in the morning. Although it is the location of a big research conference, I’m actually going compliments of The Venetian, which seems to think I am a big-time gambler because of a single night’s lucky winning while I was there on business last year. I’m going with my poker-playing friend Angela, who is a total hoot and shot a Tommy gun and went to a girly show the last time she was there. We will be skipping those attractions, but will no doubt find some trouble.

Ciao for now!

Posted In: Gardening

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