February 22nd, 2010
If you open my refrigerator door, you will see lots of fresh vegetables, skim milk, a large jar of yeast—and about 10 dozen eggs.
See, my 12 hens have not taken the winter season for a holiday. They keep laying and laying and laying.
The weekly menu on our refrigerator reads something like this: red pepper quiche, goat cheese and spinach soufflé, broccoli quiche. Dessert is crème brûlée.
Now, I am finally doing something about all these eggs besides just eating them!
I ordered 250 egg cartons—in a bright pink that, it turns out, somewhat resembles the rather lurid color of Pepto Bismol. I applied for and received my egg distributor certificate from the State of Maryland. This week I’ll check in with the county health department about local regulations.
All of this so I can give the eggs away!
I only have 12 laying hens (only!), so it isn’t practical to think I can sell them. My plan is to identify church and community groups that can take about four or five dozen eggs off my hands each week.
So, you see, my hens and I have a joint volunteer project!
So that’s what you do with too much of a good thing!
Posted In: Chickens
Tags: egg cartons, eggs
December 5th, 2009
The temperatures here are in the low 30s today. It’s snowing. It’s blowing. My fingers are so numb from working outside cleaning the chicken waterers, I can hardly feel them. But despite the cold, the snow and the wind, one courageous little chicken mustered up the courage to lay her first egg today.
Along with the daily collection of six eggs from the red, black and leghorn chickens I found a small, bluish-green surprise. It could only have been from one of the two Easter egg chickens.
Now the question is, which Easter egg chicken produced this winter surprise?
Was it Meredith?
Or was it Dorothy?
The chickens aren’t talking. They’re wily that way.
Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win this book.
Posted In: Chickens
Tags: Easter egg chicken, eggs, hens