Bzzzz June 23rd, 2012

There is so much to be done in the garden this weekend. But before I head out into the humid heat, I thought I would just share a few updates from the garden.

June is hydrangea season around here. The two Nikko Blue hydrangeas situated at the back of the house are heavy with blooms. I’m grateful that the one you see on your left is finally blooming.

Nikko Blue Hydrangeas

Two years ago I had some landscape workers here to move around some large shrubs. There was a monster butterfly bush situated between these two hydrangeas and I asked them to relocate it to behind the potager. I was inside on conference calls while they worked. Later that afternoon after they had left and I was finally liberated from the telephone, I went outside. Rather than moving the butterfly bush from between the two hydrangeas they had moved the hydrangea on the left! The butterfly bush and the hydrangea on the right were left squeezed together with a big gaping hole on the left!

I ran back to find the wandering hydrangea. It was sagging from the move and in the heat. Yes, I broke down and cried.

Of course, the workers apologized and moved the hydrangea back to where it belonged. But I nearly lost it. I certainly lost two summers of blooms from it.

Endless Summer Hydrangeas

I have friends who call the Endless Summer hydrangeas Endless Bummer hydrangeas. I can’t agree with them because although they haven’t reached the impressive size of the Nikko Blues they do put on a stunning display.

Rigorous cutting of the blooms helps the plant to regenerate, so the shrubs will continue to bloom throughout the summer. And the house is filled with hydrangeas to boot.

Sarah with Microgreens

Finally, what is a blog post without a photo of a cute little dog? So, here’s Sarah posing with the microgreens.

Now, off to tackle the long list of garden tasks!


Posted In: Flowers, Gardening, Gardening Life

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